Long in the distant past scientists were the pawns of the religious community. In the middle ages. Any scientist who dared go outside of the prescribed science such as the Earth not being the center of the universe could be ostracized, even punished. They were tools of the ruling class, which was run by the religious community.Known as a theocracy, the governments in Europe largely controlled scientists. Curiously, the Left is claiming just the opposite. (1) The fact remains that these were the days of sin eaters, flat earth and dragons on the horizon.
Time flew by, and science to one degree or another continued to be a tool of the ruling class. Take the case of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko, who was a tool of the regime of Josef Stalin, the Soviet dictator. (2)
There is a saying: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Today, we have a situation where science once again is kept leashed by government money. If you say something outside of scientific orthodoxy, you could lose your funding. Government money is a major factor in today’s science. (3) You could look at this as government money “buying” what the elites want researched. You don’t go outside of evolution with any kind of religious input. Yet Albert Einstein is thought to have said “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind”. Modern scientists with their cushy government money jobs rarely dare to suggest that the Earth was created. (4)
Today the issues that science won’t touch or even denies are many. It takes heavy pressure to get our scientists to go where you don’t go if you want to keep your funding. An example of this is Gulf War Syndrome. The Gulf War vets were mistreated and laughed at by our scientific community. It’s a black mark on both the medical community and the scientific one. Today, Gulf War Syndrome at least admitted to. (5)
The recent drone controversy is one area where scientists could benefit us with their expertise, but they are remaining silent of the subject, which is ongoing. They could be helpful in examining the spectra of the drone lighting, to see what kind of lighting that they are using. Examination of the drone characteristics could provide to the public valuable information.
In East Palestine, Ohio a train wreck in February 3, 2023 spread toxins, poisoning citizens and the land. The media, also toeing the government line, downplayed the event. Scientists did not do their job and get out to take readings. They could have assisted the public in their quest for answers. (6)
Now there are claims of a toxic fog. Having been sickened by one of these myself, I believe the claims, and I also saw particles in videos I took. We are called “conspiracy theorists” for making any claims out of what we are told to say. (7)
Citizen scientists lack the big, lush laboratories of these coddled scientists, but there are things we can do. We can do chemical tests when kits are available. We can get close to the drones if possible and try to learn more. The point here is that we need to be active like never before. Using the scientific method can be tedious, but it is necessary. There are just too many things that need to be examined, and we are getting little or no help from paid scientists and the media. I suggest a corps of volunteers to go around both. It would be thankless, dreary work, but it’s better than what we are getting out of the average scientists and the media, who usually go to government for their information. Together, we can learn some things about what is going on. That is unless you are content to believe the Earth is flat and the center of the universe.
- https://time.com/5911003/middle-ages-myths/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/454577a
- https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2023/11/14/government-investments-in-scientific-research-and-the-importance-of-the-u-s-being-a-world-leader-in-science/
- https://ncse.ngo/why-scientific-creationism-fails-meet-criteria-science
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/gulf-war-syndrome
- https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/failings-in-response-to-east-palestine-train-derailment-compounded-human-and-environmental-impact/4020490.article
- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/parts-of-the-u-s-blanketed-by-fog-conspiracy-theories-run-rampant-on-social-media-and-users-say-its-bioweapon-in-the-guise-of-chemical-fog/articleshow/117002406.cms?from=mdr