Scientists have often been persecuted for their beliefs in history. It’s a fact. One of the most famous cases was the astronomer Galileo, who was persecuted daring to suggest that the Earth orbited the sun. In his case, he went up against the Catholic church, which basically was in control of the Italian government, and… Continue reading The Dark Age of Science
The misinterpretations of Genesis (chapters 1-4)
The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Christian Bible, and has been badly misinterpreted by Christian preachers and their followers, who are all too willing to parrot what they are told. Facts are facts, however, and Genesis says things that are quite different than the official narrative. For our purposes, we will… Continue reading The misinterpretations of Genesis (chapters 1-4)
The Reichstag fire and the January 6, 2021 protest comparison
It was February 27, 1933 and National Socialism had taken hold in Germany. The NAZI party had taken hold of Germany, but did not have full control. An event called the Reichstag fire was used to solidify the National Socialist grip on power. On January 6, 2021 an event would happen that has both interesting… Continue reading The Reichstag fire and the January 6, 2021 protest comparison
Alien to humans
Our planet seems to be under siege from an other than human force which wants to radically transform The Earth. While hard evidence is lacking for anything other than human beings being at fault, we will nonetheless look at the facts and information concerning this. Are we looking at a force that is alien to… Continue reading Alien to humans
Operation Warp Speed: Death Race
We are all familiar with the events of the past 2 1/2 years, how a virus from Wuhan, China so terrorized the world. Then along came President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” with the intention of stopping the spread of the Wuhan virus. It failed, and the Wuhan virus is now ubiquitous. Breakthrough cases, where the… Continue reading Operation Warp Speed: Death Race
The Transhumanist Agenda
The definition of transhumanism is “the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology”. Today a major push is on to transform the human race into something that it is not meant to be. We will examine transhumanism and its… Continue reading The Transhumanist Agenda
The Zookeepers
Most people have been to a zoo at one time or another. We all look at the animals kept in cages, and some in habitats. A gorilla in a “habitat” still knows that it is in a cage. I have seen their flinging their own feces at the viewing humans. Never growing up did I… Continue reading The Zookeepers
Unmasking Hypocrisy
Throughout the so-called pandemic, I have noticed public officials who were determined to make the public wear masks or obey other rules, while not obeying the same rules they make for us. The list of hypocrites is extensive; we will go over a few of them. I posted a mini gallery of a few hypocrites… Continue reading Unmasking Hypocrisy
Nuremberg Trials 2027: After the kill shot
After the defeat of the NAZI regime in WW2, a series of 13 trials was held in the Bavarian city of Nuremberg, to punish NAZI war criminals. Today we will look at a hypothetical scenario set in 2027 AD after a devastating worldwide die off, planned by people at least as evil as the aforementioned… Continue reading Nuremberg Trials 2027: After the kill shot
Two tin cans and a string
When I was a kid we had a game that involved tying two tin cans together with a long string. With the string tight, each kid would take turns speaking into one can while his partner would listen. We thought it was great fun. Today’s communications technologies are incredibly complex. Unfortunately with that complexity comes… Continue reading Two tin cans and a string