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The Willow project a new ray of hope

In Alaska a vital oil project is underway, and it will provide energy for an energy starved nation if approved. It is called the Willow project.

ConocoPhillips is the company that is planning on drilling in Alaska’s North Slope. The Willow project is one of the company’s most recent projects. At its peak, estimates are that it will produce 180,000 barrels of oil per day, and may create 2,500 jobs, 300 of them permanent. Revenue from the drilling project is expected to be $8 billion to $17 billion For the federal government, North Slope Borough communities and Alaska.

Angry activists are actively protesting the project, including former vice president Al Gore and various leftist groups.

The White House is expected to sign on to the Willow project, and at the same time is refusing to approve other drilling projects. This has angered Joe Biden’s base, and his own interior department has expressed doubts about the project as well. Approval is not certain, and may be less than the oil company has requested.

Hopefully we will get word soon. Relief in an energy starved nation cannot come too soon.


1. https://powerincooperation.com/willow-info-center/

2. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/11/joe-biden-climate-alaska-willow-oil-00086659

3. https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/interior-department-issues-statement-proposed-willow-project

4. https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/press/release/murkowski-underscores-strong-support-for-willow-project-calls-on-administration-to-select-alternative-e-

5. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/4-reasons-the-willow-oil-project-is-unfit-for-approval/

6. https://www.internetgeography.net/the-willow-project/

7. https://protectourwinters.org/campaign/willow/

8. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/10/al-gore-biden-alaska-oil-drilling-willow-development

9. https://www.wcvb.com/article/willow-project-biden-weighs-as-he-blocks-other-alaska-oil-drilling/43283438